Custom Search

Sunday, August 31, 2008


In short the way that I have made it is with hard work. I know this isn't what people want to hear, but its what works.

I started in adsense about 3 1/2 years ago making $10 a day with one website and have progressively worked my way up. I've done this by adding additional websites, additional content, and tweaking my ads. I now have 6 websites that are earning me consistent income with adsense and I finally reached the 5 figure club for the first time.

Here are some of my tips that I wanted to share with others since I have gained much by reading this forum and haven't given back much.

1. Content is King. By this I mean the more content you have the more visitors you will get and the more clicks you will receive. The past year we have added blogs to most of our sites that get updated every couple of days. We have noticed that our main site has been losing traffic this year, but our blog is gaining traffic. Our blog has also been more of a money generator (CPM) then our main site which has helped increase our revenue.

2. Some niches pay higher then others but make less money. I see so many people asking for a list of the highest paying clicks. I admit that I have tried making some websites for those niches. The problem is that many of them are hard to rank in so therefor don't make as much money. There are plenty of lower paying niches that are easier to break into that will pay more in the long run. Work with what you are good with and the money will come along.

3. Constantly test, but not too much. I see on the adsense blog that you should constantly be testing new ad formats to find out what works for you. I agree with this as many of the suggestions given on the adsense blog and the adsense tips have helped increase CTR. But, you need to be careful of doing too much change. Try to focus some of that time working on content rather than trying to get a little more CTR.

4. What works for one person won't work for another. A couple of months ago we were invited to have a member of the adsense team look at our website and give suggestions for improvement. We accepted and tried out their suggestions. After 12 hours we pulled their suggestions and went back to our old format. Doing their suggestions saw a 50% reduction in revenue and I could tell leaving them on longer would just hurt us more. Be willing to try suggestions but don't assume that since it worked for one person it will work for you.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Future of Adwords

The idea that they would eventually move beyond simply buying and selling keywords, and into concepts, themes or groups brings about some interesting ideas. Once something like that is implemented into Adwords, it could open the door to a variety of options for AdSense publishers.

The AdSense ad serving javascript contains options that are not used by regular AdSense publishers (although beta testers and premium publishers have use of some of them). Some of these include: “kw_type”, “kw”, and “hints”. If advertisers could bid based upon themes or groups, AdSense publishers could use this kind of feature to help targeting, or to help target broader or narrower themes.

Adwords changes can directly impact AdSense publishers, and this would definitely be one of them, if and when Google decides to expand beyond keywords. However, something along these lines sounds to be a positive addition to the Adwords program, and if they decide to give the related flexibility to the publishers as well, an added feature for AdSense as well.

Adsense Network

Before Adsense came along, there were two ways for webmasters to make money.

The first way was with banner ads. Banner ads paid in two ways.

The first way was per 1,000 impressions. The average rate varies but it is usually about $20 CPM. So if a web master got 10,000 hits on his web site he would make $200.

The second way is per click. Again, the amount paid can vary… but it's about 10-20 cents CPC.

One problem with banner ads is that they suffer from horrible click-through rates. You might be lucky to get 1%, but .5% or less is not unusual. This low click-through is caused by "banner blindness" which is a phenomenon where a website visitor completely overlooks a banner because they've seen them so many times.

Another problem with banner ads is they aren't always targeted. You could have ads for car insurance on a site about baseball.

The second way a webmaster could make money with their web site was with affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are still popular today… but they too have their problems.

The majority of affiliate programs pay when a sale is completed. This means that the webmaster doesn't get paid when a banner ad or link is clicked unless that click results in a sale. This obviously is risky for the webmaster because there is no guarantee that they will make any money at all.

Introducing Google Adwords

Adwords, not to be confused with Adsense, is Google's pay-per-click service that places relevant text-based ads on the Google search engine only.

Adwords was revolutionary when it first came out because it was the first time advertisements were targeted according to the content on the page. When someone searched for "Baseball", they only saw ads that were related to baseball.

And then there was Adsense

The next step Google took was to give webmasters the ability to put AdWords ads on their site. This program is called Adsense.

The Google Adsense program offers web sites of all sizes a way to easily generate revenue through placement of highly targeted ads within their content. Google Adsense technology analyzes the text on any given page and delivers ads that are appropriate and relevant, increasing the usefulness of the page and the likelihood that those viewing it will actually click on the advertising presented there.

Unlike banner ads, Adsense consists of text and links, not images. This helps eliminate "banner blindness" because the ads have the ability to blend in well with the content. Click through rates on Adsense ads can be as high as 40% or more!

Another big difference between Adsense ads and banner ads is the amount of money paid for each click-through. Unlike banner ads, a click on an adsense ad can be worth as much as $50! Of course this is the exception… not the rule. The average click through is around 60 cents.

What does the future hold?

We believe Adsense has a bright future because it doesn't suffer from the same disadvantages as other forms of advertising.

The only setback that Google has run into with Adsense is the threat of click fraud. Luckily it seems that they are taking that seriously and have been cracking down on anyone they believe to be breaking the rules.

Another situation that could shakeup Google Adsense is when Yahoo and Microsoft create competing programs. Google currently has a virtual monopoly on this market. Although there are some smaller companies that have similar services, there are no serious competitors.

Most people speculate that it will be a good thing for publishers when this happens. Why? Because Google will have to offer better service and a higher payout rate if they intend to keep publishers from switching to a competing service.

To Create an Adense units?

To create a new AdSense unit that you can manage within your account, follow the steps below. (The first few will seem pretty familiar to those of you who have generated code before.)

1. Sign in to your account at
2. Under the AdSense Setup tab, choose the Get Ads link.
3. Select AdSense for content as the product. The new AdSense units are only available for AdSense for content at this time.
4. Choose your ad type, format, colors, and channels just as you have in the past.
5. Give your AdSense unit a name that you can remember. We recommend including the site(s), page(s), or location(s) that the AdSense unit will be placed on, so you can easily identify it in the future should you wish to make updates.
6. Click Submit and Get Code.
7. Copy and paste the newly generated code onto your site.

How do I manage my existing AdSense units?

To manage an AdSense unit you’ve already created, simply take the following steps:

1. Sign in to your account at
2. Under the AdSense Setup tab, visit the Manage Ads page.
3. On this page, you’ll see a list of active AdSense units — units that have been created or received impressions in the last 7 days. (You can view a full list by selecting the checkbox next to ‘Show inactive AdSense units’.) Select the AdSense unit you want to update.
4. Change the settings for this unit, then use the preview to view the changes. Save your changes.

Once you’ve saved your changes, they’ll be visible in this AdSense unit on every page which contains the code for this AdSense unit. Keep in mind that it typically takes about 10 minutes for all our servers to be informed of the change and reflect it on your pages.

Will Change Adsense Future?

First of all, it is clear that targeting algorithms will become even better and more powerful then they are now. This has clearly been seen with the Google search engine itself over the last few years and it should be of no surprise as this happens with AdSense.

Advertisers will appear in more appropriate results and those advertisers who manipulate their content to allow high paying keywords to appear may struggle to do this unless it is actually appropriate to their content.

Another thing which is bound to happen is more protection for AdWords advertisers concerning click fraud. Google acknowledges this to be a very key issue that it needs to address as quickly as possible and there is no doubt it will happen as fast as possible. At the moment those who have high levels of traffic, can easily disguise IP addresses and increase CTR ( Click Through Rate).

Google is always keen on improving its products and this has been seen before in AdSense. The search engine company has introduced site-targeted AdSense CPM, "smart pricing" and domain blocking and there will probably be improvements that have already been added by other similar sites.

One such example is the option for the advertiser to have more control over where the content is being displayed. This could mean blocking your site from displaying on several addresses that host AdSense banners.

Another idea that has been advanced is that Google will integrate AdSense in other forms of media like newspapers or television and so on. While this might seem to be more on the science-fiction side of the facts there's no indication that this might not happen.

Google have access to an international array of over 150,000 advertisers of whom may choose to penetrate offline markets in different countries. Google has a strong network of advertisers and they may choose to appoint or allow offline distributors to create a format for Adwords advertising in content, in search and now offline.

More options could be implemented for AdSense publishers, allowing them to specify keywords of their own. While Google has been reluctant of this there is no indication that this will not happen in the future.

Also, many people are demanding a clear specification of the pricing policy of AdSense. Google has given no indication of why this is not public information but at this moment it seems highly unlikely that such information will ever be present on Google AdSense.

Another feature that could find itself into AdSense would be letting website publishers see which links are generating clicks on their website and based on what keywords they arrive there.

This could end up being a major issue that could threaten the entire system as it could perhaps encourage more adsense only websites as profits become more transparent. Many people may make AdSense only sites, designed just for making profits through AdSense.

While this is already happening today, it might be foolish of Google to put such tools in the hands of its publishers.

However, one thing that could happen is a way for users to fix their issues with low AdSense generated income on their site. This could be done through an on-line wizard or something similar that would make suggestions to website owners based on their contents.

But the major buzz word of the day is RSS. The possibility of sending targeted ads directly to users without requiring any navigation on their behalf is becoming a reality with RSS. And there are clear signs that Google isn't going to let such an opportunity pass by.

This is what "interactive television" and similar items have been trying to do for quite some time now. But the Internet would be a much better medium for this, because there are no mediums quite as interactive as the Internet.

But in the end, this is mostly speculation and we are bound to have Google surprising us with new features we would have never thought of.

Google Search - Improve income

Google Search:

Now this is one that I rarely see webmasters take advantage of. The Google AdSense program gives webmasters the ability to add a Google search box to there web site.

Why should you use this function?

Well, when a website visitor chooses to use this search box from your website your AdSense ID will be imbedded in ALL of that visitors Google searches. If that person does 1 search or 50 your AdSense ID will still be imbedded throughout process.

Why is this so great?

If that visitor clicks on any of the sponsored listings while surfing from your web site guess who makes money. YOU! If they hit the back button and click on another ad guess who makes money? YOU! This is absolutely huge.

Through this function you now have the ability to earn multiple click thrus from the same visitor on the site visit. Please don’t overlook how powerful this is. Besides, most of your website traffic will just be browsing anyway, so I why help them find what there looking for and make a little coin along the way?


Just like any other type of marketing, you won’t know what’s working the best for you on your web site unless you track the different things that you’re experimenting with. Set up a few Google AdSense channels for the different ads that you’ll be placing on your website. Then just see which channels are working the best and stick to those.

What is Adsense Arbitrage?

Google Adwords is a service by Google where in you can advertise your website/services in order to convert business, increase leads, increase sales or basically in short a system where you can advertise and make payments on the basis of clicks/CPM adverts. Google adsense is just the reverse system where in publishers signup to make money from the ads displayed on their websites and get paid for the clicks they get from their visitors. Adsense Arbitrage means advertising your high paying adsense income making website on adwords and getting cheap traffic and trying to make up some easy money. Let me show you a simple example on how this can work.

Keyword Density

The keyword density tool is useful for helping webmasters/SEO's achieve their optimum keyword density for a set of key terms/keywords.

Keyword density is important since search engines use this information to categorize a site's theme, and to determine which terms this site is relevant to -- the perfect keyword density will help archive higher search engine positions. Keyword density needs to be balanced correctly (too low and you will not get the optimum benefit, too high and your page might get flagged for 'keyword-spamming').

This tool will analyze your chosen URL and return a table of keyword density values for one, two, or three word key terms. In an attempt to mimic the function of search engines spiders, it will filter out common stop words (since these will likely be equally ignored by search engines), it will avoid filtering out stop words in the middle of a term (for example: 'designing with CSS' would get through, even though 'with' is a stop-word).

Adsense Future?

There are many ideas springing up concerning what AdSense will look like in the future and how the system will change as opposed to what it is now.

First of all, it is clear that targeting algorithms will become even better and more powerful then they are now. This has clearly been seen with the Google search engine itself over the last few years and it should be of no surprise as this happens with AdSense. Advertisers will appear in more appropriate results and those advertisers who manipulate their content to allow high paying keywords to appear may struggle to do this unless it is actually appropriate to their content.

Another thing which is bound to happen is more protection for AdWords advertisers concerning click fraud. Google acknowledges this to be a very key issue that it needs to address as quickly as possible and there is no doubt it will happen as fast as possible. At the moment those who have high levels of traffic, can easily disguise IP addresses and increase CTR ( Click Through Rate).

Google is always keen on improving its products and this has been seen before in AdSense. The search engine company has introduced site-targeted AdSense CPM, "smart pricing" and domain blocking and there will probably be improvements that have already been added by other similar sites. One such example is the option for the advertiser to have more control over where the content is being displayed. This could mean blocking your site from displaying on several addresses that host AdSense banners. Another idea that has been advanced is that Google will integrate AdSense in other forms of media like newspapers or television and so on. While this might seem to be more on the science-fiction side of the facts there's no indication that this might not happen.

Google have access to an international array of over 150,000 advertisers of whom may choose to penetrate offline markets in different countries. Google has a strong network of advertisers and they may choose to appoint or allow offline distributors to create a format for Adwords advertising in content, in search and now offline. More options could be implemented for AdSense publishers, allowing them to specify keywords of their own. While Google has been reluctant of this there is no indication that this will not happen in the future. Also, many people are demanding a clear specification of the pricing policy of AdSense. Google has given no indication of why this is not public information but at this moment it seems highly unlikely that such information will ever be present on Google AdSense.

Another feature that could find itself into AdSense would be letting website publishers see which links are generating clicks on their website and based on what keywords they arrive there. This could end up being a major issue that could threaten the entire system as it could perhaps encourage more adsense only websites as profits become more transparent. Many people may make AdSense only sites, designed just for making profits through AdSense. While this is already happening today, it might be foolish of Google to put such tools in the hands of its publishers.

However, one thing that could happen is a way for users to fix their issues with low AdSense generated income on their site. This could be done through an on-line wizard or something similar that would make suggestions to website owners based on their contents. But the major buzz word of the day is RSS. The possibility of sending targeted ads directly to users without requiring any navigation on their behalf is becoming a reality with RSS. And there are clear signs that Google isn't going to let such an opportunity pass by.

This is what "interactive television" and similar items have been trying to do for quite some time now. But the Internet would be a much better medium for this, because there are no mediums quite as interactive as the Internet. But in the end, this is mostly speculation and we are bound to have Google surprising us with new features we would have never thought of.

You need to have optimized niche website templates for best results. You may find the best adsense templates and blog templates at Adsense. (They are offering 100 fresh new templates every month.

Article Source:

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Golden Tip For Adsense

* Select a top paying keyword to design the website.You have to select the keyword in such a way that it is related to your sites data.
* Use your top paying keyword in the Heading of your site and in the text.
* Choose the keyword rich text to attract good ads on your page.
* Optimize your website with different Adsense Optimization techniques that are available on net.
* Use Google’s Custom Channels for each of the ad units on your site
* Optimize each page for adsense
* Use the full allowance of ads available to you on each page
* Maximize your success with other google products like downloading firefox with google tool bar etc…..
* Submit articles to different free article sites .with this u get many back links
* Start exchanging Links with Other Webmasters
* Add a blog to your site and ping
* Submit your blog address to different blog search sites and directories
* Start creating RSS feeds for your site and submit the feed URLs to the major RSS feed directories online.
* Become an active commenter and get back links from different blogs
follow other SEO Techniques to get more traffic
* Submit your site or blog to different search engines.They crawl your site and index them to search engines.

Do it Rightway - Adsense

If you have a website and you do not have Google Adsense ads on it you are missing out on some easy money.

Adsense is owned by Google which just happens to be the largest search engine in the world. They offer an easy way earn money from your site just by placing some code on your web pages. If you can copy and paste you can add this to your site and each individual page.

Google is so smart they rotate the ads automatically and each ad contains advertisers that relate to the theme of each page. Whenever a visitor to your site clicks on an ad you make a small commission. This could range from a few cents to several dollars on each click.

Whether you want to just make a few extra dollars or if you want to make a large check each month you can do it with Google Adsense. You may want to experiment with the different Ad sizes and colors to get them to blend into your page naturally. This can help increase the numbers of clicks you get.

Whatever topic your site deals with building each page around a specific keyword is a good idea and gives you more potential advertisers. This ensures that the Adsense ads placed on the page are relevant and useful to your visitors. It will also help you get more clicks on the ads and make more money for you.

Placement of the ads on your page is important. Placing Google Adsense ads in the upper left hand corner of the page will get them seen first. This will attract your visitors attention. If they see an ad that interests them they will click on it.

Text ads work better than banner ads. Blending the border into the background of the page is a good trick to make the ads look like they are part of the page. Google provides you different palettes to try differ borders, font colors, and backgrounds.

The Adsense preview tool Google provides is an excellent tool to help you preview the ads that appear on your page. This tool allows you to see the sample ads and different formats on your page.

Whether you make Google Adsense a large part of your web page or just place a small ad it is a good idea to include it. Being nice to the largest search engine in the world is only smart and it will be the easiest money you have ever made.

Increase Adsense Revenue

PPC can increase Adsense earnings for anyone to incredible levels. PPC, acronym for pay-per-click advertising is a fast and arguably instantaneous way to drive traffic to your websites. Webmasters or internet marketers who have used this traffic technique would attest to its effectiveness. Making money from Adsense is a game of numbers. Combine PPC with your Adsense sites and you have got a formidable Adsense income machine.

Unfortunately, many folks fail to grasp the proper usage of PPC. And this is no fault of theirs. After all, it is not all so easy to employ pay-per-click to increase Adsense earnings. But what we hope to do today is to learn some really quick and money-grabbing tips to boost your Adsense income. Ready to increase Adsense earnings now?

Increase Adsense Earnings Tip 1 – Top-notch Adsense Arbitrage

Adsense arbitrage is coined as a term to describe using a cheaper click to trade with a more expensive one. How do you do that? To make it simple, you launch an Adwords campaign for a website with Adsense ads. Assuming you pay for 5 cents a click and someone clicks on an ad and you get paid 50 cents. So you have earned 45 cents for that click. Cool?

Some people use Adwords only to perform Adsense arbitrage. But this is not the best method. There are cheaper but quality PPC traffic elsewhere from Miva, GoClick, 7Search, etc. Use them wisely to boost your Adsense earnings but please read Adsense’s terms of service to avoid committing mistakes that can get you banned.

Increase Adsense Earnings Tip 2 – Attract Expensive Clicks

You may have wished that you can control the cost-per-click of the ads that are displayed on your website. Sad to say, you cannot do so. But the good news is you can influence the value of clicks. One good way is to go for expensive themes like credit card debt, credit fixing, etc.

But wouldn’t you have a problem since the clicks you buy are going to cost much as well? See my next tip for a solution.

Increase Adsense Earnings Tip 3 – Use Long-tail Keywords

When targeting any niche or theme, the best keywords are not the obvious ones. This is because obvious keywords like ‘make money’ and ‘home business’ are bided to such skyrocket levels that it is almost impossible to profit at all. Instead, target long-tail keywords that attract low to moderate traffic. One thing to note is these traffic are often laser-targeted and likely to take action at your website.

Increase Adsense Earnings Tip 4 – Use Call-to-Action Words

Words like ‘free’, ‘buy’, ‘tips’, ‘guide’, ‘tutorial’, ‘gift’, ‘how to’ etc are call to action words. They are best used in your advertisement title and text, campaign keywords and in your website content. The rationale behind this unfolds like this:

Your visitor is looking to buy something, say a book on ‘how to increase Adsense earnings’ and your advertisement appears because of exact keyword matching. He/she sees your ad and it stands out due to the presence of the keyword in the title and text. Your visitor clicks your ad and find your content relevant to what he/she is searching for. Well, the Adsense ads dangling all over your website is matched with your content right? Guess what will they do? Click on the Adsense ads! Voila!

These are just a handful of tricks gurus use to build their Adsense income empire. Drop by my Adsense blog if you cannot wait to increase Adsense earnings from this moment.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Adsense - CTR

I should also point out that revealing CTR is against Adsense TOS - so don’t expect me to pepper this post with real life examples. I’ll also explain for non Adsense users that CTR is ‘Click Through Rate’ - or the percentage of people that view pages with ads on them that click on them.

The problem with comparing CTR (and in fact a lot of Adsense statistics) is that every blog is so different that any such comparison can be problematic - and at times pointless.

Why is comparing Adsense CTR between sites a problem?

The percentage of people who click on ads varies depending upon many different factors. I’ll list a few here - and as we go you might spot a few ways to increase your own CTR.

- CTR varies between topics - one of the things I learned in my early days with Adsense after using it on multiple blogs was that despite having the same design on a different blogs, CTR could vary incredibly between one blog and another. One of the reasons for this is simply the topic of the blog. For example some Adsense publishers find that sites with products as a topic tend to get better CTR than sites with non product related topics. They argue that people are more likely to click an advertisment if they are in buying mode and see an ad that might meet their need.

- CTR relates to Ad relevancy - if I have a blog about ballpoint pens that has ads for ballpoint pens I have a higher chance of a click than if my ballpoint pen blog has ads for dog food on it. In most cases, the more relevant ads are to the topic of your content - the more likely you are to get clicks. Reasons for ad irrelevancy vary between blogs and might be something that is to do with your blog design (too many uses of the word ‘blog’ for instance triggers blog ads on virtually any topic) , your topic (some topics are difficult for Google to discern) or some problem at Google’s end (I’ve heard of one or two cases where bloggers have written to Google to ask about irrelevant ads and Google have made some changes to fix it).

- CTR can vary seasonaly - for example - many blogs report higher CTR on weekends (but lower impressions). Some find that holidays or the lead up to them (eg Christmas) can produce large variations in CTR. These variations can vary from blog to blog considerably.

- CTR varies between reader types - It is well documented that blogs and websites with high levels of loyal (repeat) readers tend to get lower CTR than sites with higher levels of search engine traffic. As I’ve written recently - this is because loyal readers can become blind to your ad positioning and design and because SE readers tend to be searching for some specific information that they often want to take some action over - this puts them in a hightened information gathering mode and more likely to click on an ad. Another reader type variation is readers being referred from other sites. I find that these sorts of readers can go either way depending upon what the site referring is but generally CTR is lower. For instance when I get a link from Slashdot I generally expect a pretty low CTR as such a link brings masses of traffic from some pretty tech savy readers who in general don’t click ads much.

- CTR varies between ad design and placement options - one massive factor for CTR is the positioning and design of your ads. For example if you put your Adsense ad at the bottom of your page where no one will see it you’ll get a very low CTR - whereas if you position it in a spot where it will be seen it will get clicked on more. The same goes for the colors you choose - select the right colors and you’ll improve CTR.

- CTR varies depending upon other site design factors - you can impact the CTR of your ads by using other visual factors. You need to be careful here not to be seen to be encouraging your readers to click ads - but many Adsense publishers have found subtle ways to draw their readers eyes to ad using images, shapes, color etc. One good tip that doesn’t break Adsense TOS is to use spaces around your ads. Studies have shown that ads tend to perform better on a white background with white space around it.

- CTR varies depending upon other options to ‘click’ - if your page has no outbound links except for your Adsense ads - the chances are increased that those will be the links that people click on. I was chatting with one person last week who has such a site. He is able to drive traffic to pages on his site with useful content but no other outbound links so that when his readers finish reading his content they either close the browser, hit ‘back’ or click an ad. His CTR was higher on these pages than on others. Of course there are downsides of this approach as his blog is very insular and not interlinked which means SEO is difficult for him. Decluttering your blog can increase CTR.

So there you have some of the reasons why CTR can vary so much. I guess the question remains of ‘what is a good CTR in Adsense?’

Really the only way to answer that question having covered everything that we have just examined is to say that a good CTR will vary from blog to blog.

I’ve seen blogs that have done everything that they can to increase CTR and are still under 1% while have seen others that get into double figures. I suspect that most bloggers fall somewhere in between that and would fit into the 2%-5% range.

How Can I Increase?

If you'd like to increase your PageRank, you need to have "back-links," or other people linking to your website. You can trade links with other people, but make sure you only trade relevant links, and make sure you're not trading links with a link farm. You can register your website with directories, such as the Open Directory Project, but use directories with high PageRank whenever possible.

As you build web pages within your website, you can create some of your own back-links by linking to relevant pages within your own website. This is a technique you may notice on this website. However, remember that the number of links you create counts into the equation. Don't overdo it.

The best way to increase your PageRank is to have quality content that other people want to link.

PageRank Measure

PageRank measure's a web page's importance. Page and Brin's theory is that the most important pages on the Internet are the pages with the most links leading to them. PageRank thinks of links as votes, where a page linking to another page is casting a vote.

This makes sense, because people do tend to link to relevant content, and pages with more links to them are usually better resources than pages that nobody links.

PageRank doesn't stop there. It also looks at the importance of the page that contains the link. Pages with higher PageRank have more weight in "voting" with their links than pages with lower PageRank. It also looks at the number of links on the page casting the "vote." Pages with more links have less weight.

This also makes a certain amount of sense. Pages that are important are probably better authorities in leading web surfers to better sources, and pages that have more links are likely to be less discriminating on where they're linking.

Improve Google Ranking

uses a variety of methods to determine which pages are displayed first in the results. Their exact formula is a secret, but there are a few things you can do to improve your positioning. The term for this is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

These tips may not make your website the first one to appear in the list, but they just may help you move up a little.

Ignore spam and websites that offer to submit your website to hundreds of search engines. At best these are wastes of time or money and at worst they can actually hurt your ranking.

Keyword Phrases
Rather than focusing on a single word, try adding a few words to make a keyword phrase. You may want to read about effective Google searches to see how keyword phrases help with searches.

If you were searching for your own website, what keyword phrase would you type into Google for each page? Would you look for “super fast widgets?” Would you look for “cooking with widgets?” It may be helpful to get a different perspective. Ask someone else to read your page and suggest what they think your keyword phrase might be.

Stick to one subject per page, and stick to one keyword phrase per page.

Google Restrictions

Restrictions: Google restricts AdSense to non-pornographic Web sites. In addition, you may not use contextual ads from other companies or ads that may be confused with Google ads.

If you use AdSense ads on search results, the search results must use the Google search engine.

You may not click on your own ads or encourage others to click on your ads with phrases like "Click on my ads." You must also avoid mechanical or other methods of artificially inflating your page views or clicks. This is considered to be click fraud.

Google also restricts you from disclosing AdSense details, such as how much you were paid for a keyword.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Making It Over Adsense

Making it work

When you have an active AdSense account, you can log onto the AdSense site and select the AdSense Setup tab. You may utilize an ad unit (an image- or text-based ad) or a link unit (a group of links to relevant topics).

When working with text or image ads, you can select horizontal, vertical, or square orientation with various formats. In addition, you select the color for the ad along with page placement and layout. Once you make your selections, Google will present you with the code for placing ads on your site. You can copy and paste the code in the appropriate location or locations within your site. For example, the code in Listing A was generated for a small rectangle ad.

A quick review of the JavaScript reveals the height and width specifications for the ad along with color settings. You can change the height and width settings, but the ads are designed for the generated settings so they may not be presented clearly if you make changes. The key component of the JavaScript is the google_ad_client variable; this specifies who gets paid for clicks on the ad. This is the id for your AdSense account. The second JavaScript block (show_ads.js) is the crux of the code; it loads the ad code from the Google server.

Another product within the program is AdSense for Search. It allows you to place a Google search field on your site that presents search results with Google ads, which may earn you money from user clicks. You may choose a regular Google search or a search of your site. Once again, the code for the search is generated within the AdSense management pages. Listing B contains the code that was generated for a Google search.

A few mouse clicks along with the copy and paste of code and your site is realizing the rewards of advertising placement. While it is a simple product to utilize, it offers various options as well.

Google Adsense Profit Revenue

Lately, Adsense has been coming up with “publisher-unfriendly” decisions. They weren’t satisfied at reducing the “clickable” space of Adsense. This time they’re limiting their Adsense Referral Program and changing their Adsense referral payout. I wonder what stupid move they’re going to do next. The Adsense people needs some serious lecture on Marketing. They seem to forget that their success if partly because of their publishers.
I have a site that makes more than 14 times its Adwords spent in AdSense earnings - and it gets absolutely no SE traffic. Now you do the maths, if you have 10 such similar high quality, high paying websites.

Now great news for you: Google promotes this money cycle. No it’s not a fraud! And I have a solid proof for that -
The above case study will prove that. Google itself has published a case study of a publisher who bought Adwords traffic and is earning through AdSense.

I am going to tell you exactly how webmasters do it and make thousands out of it. And if you do it properly, sky is the limit to your earnings. Turn your mobiles off now, get some glue, and apply to your seats. I am whispering this only to you, don’t tell it to anybody else. It’s a great idea - how to make AdSense money through AdWords. First you will need to visualize AdWords as a traffic source (which is paid). For creating a cycle of making money from Adwords through AdSense, you will need the following ingredients.
1 – High CTR
2 – Traffic from AdWords
3 – High paying keywords
4 – Targeted Content
5 – SmartPricing explained: Never violate almighty Google
6 – The last and ultimate secret tricks
7 – Illegal stuff?

Adsense Google

Google AdSense — How Our Test Site Generated Over 60 Million Impressions in a Four-Month Test

Google usually evokes the words "AdWords" and "PageRank" in the minds of savvy marketers. But what about that third, often-overlooked marketing channel of the Google family, Google AdSense? (For our studies of AdWords and PageRank, see the "related reports" listed at the end of this brief.)

Google AdSense displays text-based ads which are virtually identical to AdWords ads. The primary difference is that the ads are displayed on "content-based" sites instead of adjacent to search results. In other words, AdSense ads appear next to articles and other content on a network of partner sites; AdWords ads appear next to search results on Google and engines that use Google's search results.

Sites displaying AdSense ads sign up with Google to host ads on a revenue-sharing basis. Pay-per-click fees generated by these "affiliate" sites are split between Google and the affiliates.

The idea behind AdSense is quite sound: content-based sites display ads for products or services on related topics that interest their visitors. But as we shall see, how this idea is implemented is often less than ideal.

In this report, we look at the potential benefits and drawbacks of Google AdSense for both content publishers and retailers.

The majority of this report examines the effectiveness of AdSense as a marketing medium (for retailers, service providers, etc.). But first, we will briefly review the revenue possibilities of AdSense for content-based sites. If you are a retailer, you may want to skip directly to part two.

AdSense has been promoted as one of the single easiest ways for a content-based website to boost its profits. In our experience, we have certainly seen some success with the program, especially for sites that have popular content and a wealth of traffic.

One of our research partners tested AdSense. Their site offered in-depth content for pet owners and received significant traffic from search engines and other sources. The site also marketed software solutions for veterinarians, which attracted even more traffic.

This company decided to test AdSense ads on their website, but opted not to display ads on their home page.
How successful was our test?

In the first full month, our research partner was able to generate a six-figure supplemental income solely from Google AdSense commissions. This was accomplished without any advertising on the site's home page.

So the possibilities for significant income are definitely there, but keep in mind these qualifications:

Your site must have a large amount of qualified traffic to generate a lot of click-through commissions. No two sites are created equal, so test the revenue potential of AdSense by placing ads at a variety of strategic positions throughout your site.
KEY POINT: Do NOT expect AdSense to be profitable if the ads detract from your own product or service offering. Think of AdSense in the same way you would think of any affiliate program promoted on your site. Tread very carefully when competing with your own offer.

Publishers interested in having AdSense ads displayed on their sites can find out more at:

AdSense offers much potential for publishers, so one would expect that the available traffic for retailers and other marketers would be quite substantial. Indeed, as the number of publishers in the AdSense network grows, the available traffic and reach of the network become even greater.

But how effective is AdSense as a marketing medium?

We tested a Google AdSense campaign over four months with one of our research partners whose site was focused on helping athletes attain college scholarships.

Before we look at the results, it is important to note that AdSense functions completely within the Google AdWords interface. In fact, AdSense defaults to "on" when you set up a new AdWords account with Google.

Shortly after we set up our partner's AdSense campaign with a few very select key terms, the amount of traffic we received from Google increased by more than 400%.

Adsense Referral To Retire

Last year seemed to be an experiment, when the New Pricing Structure For Adsense Referrals was introduced. However this year, Google Adsense has decided to end that price structure and carry on with the one they had previously. This did come as a unpleasant surprise for some.

These pricing changes took place during the last week of January. A referred user who reached $100 within 180 days of signing up and who removes all payments holds before the change occurred, generated earnings of $250 for the referring publisher. Any referred user who met this conversion criteria after the change will only generate $100 in earnings for the referring publisher.

However there came a new addition to this news, which was rather disappointing and shocking. If you are an adsense publisher, and you’re not from North America, Latin America or Japan, then the referrals promoting Adsense, will retire soon for you! The reason for retiring Adsense referral for these countries has been stated in terms of “Not Meeting Expectations”. For some reason Adsense team were hoping much more better results from other countries which failed. So the decision of retiring Adsense referrals from rest of the countries had to be taken.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Top 10 Gadgets

London, Aug 1 (ANI): Foot spas have been named as the most useless gadget pushing the bread maker to the second spot to walk away with the 'crown', says a new survey.

In a survey of more than 1,000 Britons, consumer website found that heated hair straighteners or curlers were rated higher than TVs when it asked people to name the top gadget that had changed their life.

Ringing ahead, though, the mobile phone was the most popular life-changing gadget, named by almost a quarter of people surveyed and forty two per cent of the 16-24 age group.

In second place came the laptop, followed by the MP3 Player. Keeping things fresh, one person even said that their salad spinner had changed their life.

The poll showed that the 'relaxing' foot spa was named as the most useless gadget, with the bread maker coming close behind.

Unlike their younger counterparts, found that the over 65s were the least likely to rely on gadgets - fifty per cent said that no gadget had changed their life.

"Forget games consoles and TVs, we've found that the mobile phone is the gadget that people say has changed their life. As the popularity of the iPhone has shown, the multi-functional mobile is worth queuing around the block for," Telegraph quoted Jess Ross, editor of, as saying.

Top Ten Life changing gadgets:

1 Mobile Phone -Nokia N82

2 Laptop -Apple

3 MP3 Player -iRiver U10

4 Digital Camera -Canon Powershot S51S

5 Satnav System -Tom Tom Go 520

6 DVD Player -Sony DVPNS15

7 Washing Machine -Whirlpool SCW1012

8 Upright Vacuum Cleaner -Dyson DC14

9 Microwave -Zanussi ZMC30STQX

10 In-home games console -Nintendo Wii Fit (ANI)

Google Adsense Reports

* Today
* Yesterday
* 2 days ago
* Last 7 days
* Current month
* Last month
* This week (Monday Sunday)
* Last week (Monday Sunday)
* Last work week (Monday Friday)
* All the time

Alternately you can select a specific period to display your Adsense search reports from.

Then you have the option to display reports either based on date, Adsense search channels or both.

As standard, your Adsense search reports will be displayed as totals - however you can choose to have your Adsense search reports shown based on channels if you choose so. If you want to have your Adsense search reports shown based on channels, you must select the appropriate Adsense search channel from the check list.

Once you are satisfied with your selection, click "update reports", and you will have your desired Adsense search report ready for analysis.

As you can see, the Adsense search reports consist of the following fields:

* Date - Displays the collected Adsense search data from the current date.
* Channel - displays the name of your Adsense search channel, if selected.
* Impressions - Shows the number of Adsense search impressions that you have served.
* Clicks - The number of Adsense search clicks registered.
* Click frequency - A percentage indication of the number of Adsense search impressions versus Adsense search clicks.
* Effective CPM - A calculated cost per 1000 impressions - calculated from your earnings divided by 1000 impressions. i.e. your earnings are $50 and you have served 10000 impressions, your CPM will be : 50/10 = $5,00
* Earnings - Displays your current Adsense search earnings for the selected period.

Adsense content reports.

The first pull down box on the initial screen is used to select the period that you want to generate Adsense reports on. You can select between the following options:

* Today
* Yesterday
* 2 days ago
* Last 7 days
* Current month
* Last month
* This week (Monday Sunday)
* Last week (Monday Sunday)
* Last work week (Monday Friday)
* All the time

Alternately you can select a specific period to display your Adsense reports from.

Then you have the option to display reports either based on date, Adsense channels or both.

As standard, your Adsense reports will be displayed as totals - however you can choose to have your Adsense reports shown based on channels if you choose so. If you want to have your Adsense reports shown based on channels, you must select the appropriate channel from the check list.

Once you are satisfied with your selection, click "update reports", and you will have your desired Adsense report ready for analysis.

As you can see, Adsense reports consist of the following fields:

* Date - Displays the collected Adsense data from the current date.
* Channel - displays the name of your Adsense channel, if selected.
* Impressions - Shows the number of Adsense impressions that you have served.
* Clicks - The number of Adsense clicks registered.
* Click frequency - A percentage indication of the number of Adsense impressions versus Adsense clicks.
* Effective CPM - A calculated cost per 1000 impressions - calculated from your earnings divided by 1000 impressions. i.e. your earnings are $29 and you have served 2000 impressions, your CPM will be : 29/2 = $14,50
* Earnings - Displays your current Adsense earnings for the selected period.