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Thursday, May 29, 2008

AdSense ads appear on your page

Will the AdSense ads appear on your page?

Publishers can choose to have their ads displayed only on Google or also on a large network of sites.

Will AdSense ads you see on Google appear your pages? To get an idea, find web pages that have material similar to the content you're planning to create and look at their AdSense ads.

You can also use AdSense's preview tool to see which ads are being displayed to people in different countries.

Beware: If you choose certain topics, Google will not allow you to place AdSense ads on your site and you'll miss out on a very lucrative opportunity.

Such topics include gambling, firearms, ammunition, balisongs, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles; beer or alcohol; tobacco or tobacco-related products; and prescription drugs.

Get more Adsense Clicks

New way to get more AdSense clicks

How to counteract AdSense blindness

If you've been online long enough to remember how banner blindness developed, you'll love Jay Young's brand new technique for encouraging more people to click on AdSense ads.


1. New way to get more clicks on AdSense ads
2. Ken Evoy gives away ANOTHER ebook
3. Seven easy ways to create bonuses
4. Thought for today: Quality of life

1. New way to get more clicks on AdSense ads

Remember what happened with banner ads? In the early days of the Internet, a high percentage of website visitors clicked on the banners, curious to see what was being advertised.

However, after a while people developed "banner blindness". They learned to tune out banners and just didn't even see most of them any more.

In the same way, if you use boring AdSense ads, you get "AdSense blindness". So webmasters use different techniques to force their ads to stand out, to keep people clicking on the ads.

Jay Young has come up with an absolutely brilliant idea.

He wraps colorful, eye-catching graphics around his AdSense ads, making it impossible for you to miss them.

After testing and finding out how well this works, he's made it easy for you to do it, too.

I think this idea is absolutely brilliant.

Be quick for this. Grab it at the introductory price before it goes up on Tuesday.

I have.

Have a look and see what you think...

2. Ken Evoy gives away ANOTHER ebook

Hot on the heels of giving away "Make Your Site SELL" - - Ken Evoy is giving another ebook.

It's a book which is vitally important for affiliates, "Make Your Content PREsell!".

Ken is a PREselling evangelist. He wrote the only book on the topic.

PREselling is one of the most misunderstood skills in affiliate marketing. To succeed as an affiliate, you MUST know how to PREsell. It can make or break your affiliate business.

I strongly recommend you grab this free ebook.

Get it here now...

3. Seven easy ways to create bonuses

A popular super affiliate technique is to give away bonuses to encourage people to buy using your affiliate link.

But how much time are you prepared to spend creating bonuses?

Dan Lok describes seven ways to create bonuses quickly and easily...

4. Thought for today: Quality of life

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to that person's committment to excellence, regardless of the chosen field of endeavor." - Vince Lombardi.

Keyword research for AdSense pages

8 ways to do keyword research for AdSense pages

1. If you have a Google AdWords account, pretend you are planning to advertise using different keywords, and see how much you'd have to pay. That will give you a good indication of the popularity of the keywords.

Here's how. Follow these steps. In step 2, "Create Ad Group", click on "Calculate Estimates" and "Recalculate Estimates". These show you the maximum you would have to pay per click to advertise for particular keywords or key phrases.

For finding new key phrases, you can use Go to Google's AdWords and find out how much advertisers are willing to pay for the keywords or key phrases you're interested in. Here's how.

Go to and play around with the free Keyword Tool.

For example, try putting in a keyword or phrase, such as "book" and click on "Get More Keywords". Pretend you're willing to pay the maximum per click the tool allows - 100. (You can choose any currency. I chose US.)

Over on the right side of the page, make sure that "Cost and position estimates" is selected.

The tool will calculate for you the estimated average CPC (cost per click) for a whole lot of words and phrases. Try entering a different word, say "debt" or "free", click on "Re-calculate" and watch how the CPC changes.

You DON'T have to choose a topic which has expensive keywords. Often topics that have expensive keywords are very competitive. You may do better choosing a less competitive niche with cheaper keywords.
Sign up for AdWords.

2. Keywords Analyzer is a superb tool which can generate thousands of key phrases that people are typing into search engines. If you have a Wordtracker account, you can also import data from Wordtracker and analyze it. It shows you, for example, how many advertisers have ad campaigns at AdWords for each phrase. If you're using AdSense, the more advertisers the better!

3. Have a look at the top 100 keywords on 7search. This will give you a quick idea of keywords that people are willing to pay big money for. You can also type phrases into the 7Search Keyword Suggestion Tool. This is just step one of your keyword research. You'll want to dig deeper.

4. At FindWhat pay-per-click search engine you can do a search for any phrase and quickly see how much advertisers are paying per click.

5. You can experiment typing words into Yahoo! Search Marketing's View Bids Tool. Let's say you type in "asbestos cancer". The top three advertisers often pay about $12 per click. So that might be an good choice for a topic - provided you're a specialist on mesothelioma AND provided that your research shows that it's an in-demand topic.

For "debt consolidation", the top two advertisers often pay more than $9 per click.

6. The free Web Marketing Keyword Bid Research Tool speeds up your research at Yahoo! Search Marketing. Type in a keyword and learn how much advertisers are paying per click and also find out how many searches were done on that keyword last month.

However, you need to know that Yahoo! combines singular and plural phrases, and robots are used to check bids. Both of these factors tend to distort the results you'll see. Checking Yahoo! Search Marketing is good for quick, rough research, nothing more.

7. You can use Wordtracker to look for the 1,000 most popular keywords. You can also use it to compile a useful list of keywords relating to one topic. If you buy it for a day or a week, you can do a lot of research in that time. It's the tool the professionals use.

Wordtracker has a free trial, but it's fairly limited. You can subscribe for as little as one day and do an awful lot of keyword research in that time. I have an annual account because I use it so frequently for keyword research.

8. The brainstorming and research tools in Site Build It! are my favorite way to do brainstorming for keywords that are in high demand and low supply. SBI is a superb tool - actually, a suite of tools. It's an all-in-one web hosting, site-building and web marketing tool. Type in a keyword and SBI Manager will present you with dozens of profitable keywords - ones with high demand and low supply. It can present them in order of profitability. Drill down, and you'll get dozens more profitable keywords.

SBI also has an "Analyze It" tool that helps you build keyword-rich pages that rank highly in search engines. It's simply superb. I use it and love it.

Site Build It! is an excellent choice for quickly building large, simple sites designed to rank highly in search engines - which makes it perfect for generating lots of AdSense revenue. Check it out.

QUICK SUMMARY: Build useful, simple sites - one topic per page - using valuable key phrases that are high in demand and low in supply. For researching, building and promoting easy-to-build sites that rank high in search engines, there's one suite of tools that's head and shoulders above all the rest - Site Build It!

Profitable keywords

You want profitable keywords: high demand, low supply

Keep in mind that some topics attract much higher payouts per click than others.

For example, if your site is about topics such as debt consolidation, web hosting or asbestos-related cancer, you'll earn much more per click than if it's about free things.

On the other hand, if you concentrate only on top-paying keywords, you'll face an awful lot of tough competition.

What you want are keywords that are high in demand and low in supply.

So do some careful keyword research before you build your pages.

Increase your AdSense earnings

How to increase your AdSense earnings

If you hear about people achieving high payments per click with AdSense, remember that's only part of the story. for high total earnings, you also need lots of page views and a high click-through rate.

Here are some ideas on how to achieve those three things:

If you're starting afresh designing a site specifically for AdSense revenue, you'll want a simple design that makes it easy to paste Google's code into a horizontal or vertical space on the site. For experienced webmasters, that's easy.

To increase your click-throughs, design a simple, uncluttered page with the AdSense ads displayed prominently.

Use white space, so that the AdSense panel catches the eye.

Where possible, use ads high on the page. They catch visitors' attention.

Experiment with borderless ads high on the page. (You can create borderless ads by setting the border color to the same as the background color. Look in your AdSense control panel under "Ad settings".)

Try placing AdSense high in the left-hand column. That works well for super affiliate James Martell.

On very simple, one-column pages, making your article wrap around AdSense ads near the top-right of the page works remarkably well for me on a non-Internet marketing site.

Stick to only one topic per page - that makes it easier for Google to serve up highly relevant ads on your pages.

Plain, bland pages with few competing links result in higher click-through rates on the AdSense ads.

If you want to target certain high-priced keywords, use them in the file name, in the heading on the page, and in the first paragraph - in other words, use search engine optimization techniques.

If you change those keywords, Google will change the ads that appear on your page.

If you have trouble getting AdSense to serve relevant pages, check your anchor text - the words used in links on your page. Try changing some of those words.

Watch out for cases where Google has guessed wrong, and is displaying ads that won't interest your visitors. Figure out which words are involved, and rewrite those words. Help Google by sticking closely to the topic.

Don't worry about losing traffic via those clicks. If you can earn maybe 30 or 50 cents or more per click, you WANT to lose visitors!

You'll also want keyword-rich pages, optimized to rank highly in search engines, so you can serve lots of pages.

Try using ads at the top of the page and again at the bottom. At first, this wasn't allowed but AdSense changed the rules and it's now OK.

One of the beautiful things about AdSense is that you can generate revenue from informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. With more than 100,000 advertisers, there's a good chance that Google will find ads that match your pages, better than the big ad networks can.

Don't be tempted into trying to create thousands of spammy computer-generated articles. Human beings review sites for AdSense. Build useful, interesting sites. Google likes them.

One way to create articles quickly is use Gary Antosh's approach. He pays people to write articles for him - by the truckload. So far he has bought hundreds of them and paid only $5 per article. See How to buy articles for $5 - the details

Another way is to use works that are copyright-free. Here's a book that describes how to find such articles: The Public Domain: How to Find and Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art & More

However, that technique isn't likely to be useful for long. At the very least, it would be wise to add your own introduction and conclusions to make your pages different from everyone else's.

Several websites now sell packages of articles on a wide variety of topics. I belong to several of these membership sites. It's an excellent way of saving time. It's so much easier to rewrite an article you've bought than do all the research and writing yourself.

These articles are often referred to as PLR articles or private label rights articles because you own the right to alter them in any way you wish. Here are some good sources of PLR articles.

You can use PLR articles to quickly add lots of keyword-rich articles to your site for the search engines to find.

For long-term success, write your own original articles on a topic you're passionate about. That way, you're writing for humans AND search engines

Serious tracking to maximize AdSense profits

Serious tracking to maximize AdSense profits

How do you find out which AdSense ads get the highest number of click-throughs? How do you find out which ads are best at generating clicks that pay?

AdSense provides what it calls channels, and you can experiment to find out which pages on your site are generating the most revenue, which colors work best, what ad placement works best, whether you should use borderless ads, etc.

However, if you have a large site, you'll find AdSense tracking via channels is seriously lacking.

AdSense Tracker is a powerful php script that keeps detailed logs of all impressions and clicks on AdSense ads on all your websites without altering the ad code itself. The data can then be used to analyze the effectiveness of your sites, track different ad sizes and styles, or even individual pages.

You can track every click-through so you'll know what your visitors are looking for. This makes it easy for you to build more perfectly targeted, profitable pages.

It can track unlimited domains and pages. It's resource intensive and should be hosted separately.

If you just have a small site you probably don't need it. AdSense Tracker is a tool for professionals.

Affiliate programs versus AdSense earnings

Affiliate programs versus AdSense earnings

Affiliate programs are often compared by looking at the EPC - earnings per click.

However, if you want to compare affiliate programs commissions with AdSense earnings, a more precise way is to calculate the payout you receive per 1,000 page views (CPM).

Here's how to calculate your CPM:

Let's say you earn $180 in affiliate commissions from 30 thousand (30,000) page views. $180 divided by 30 = $6. You have a CPM of $6. Not very inspiring, but not uncommon.

The AdSense stats display the effective CPM you earn.

Remember, AdSense doesn't have to replace your affiliate commissions. You can earn affiliate commissions AND AdSense commissions from the same page.

If you have a very efficient site with a high conversion rate, AdSense may not be right for you - or perhaps it would be suitable for SOME pages, but not others. Remember, the more choices you give people, the more likely you are to confuse them.

However, if you're creating a large information site, or if you have a site that does not have a brilliant conversion rate, AdSense could prove to be a very profitable addition to your site.

(Strictly speaking, CPM means COST per 1,000 impressions, but the calculation works OK whether you're spending money or earning it.)

Sites using AdSense

Sites using AdSense

Sites using AdSense include large information sites, affiliate-driven sites, forums and blogs.

"Chat" sites are considered not suitable. Some blogs are being rejected, but information-rich blogs are being accepted.

GoogleGuy explains AdSense

GoogleGuy, an anonymous Google employee who contributes to discussions on the forums, explains how AdSense will help information sites:

"...sites that provide solid content, especially niche sites that don't want to hunt down their own advertisers, should really benefit ... there's a whole universe of people who ... mostly produce informational sites, and the chance to recoup their costs without much effort is nice. I hope AdSense does encourage more diversity and voices on the web, because now smaller sites can work on what they're interested in - the content of their sites - without worrying very much about the costs of self-publishing information."

How to choose sites to block

You'll probably want to block some of the AdSense ads from appearing on your site. As well as blocking rubbishy sites, you may want to block tough competitors.

The ability to block sites is especially important for sites that are not purely affiliate-income driven. For example, if you're selling a service or a product you won't want competitors' ads on your site.

You can find such competitors by doing some searches on Google for key phrases that are important on your site and looking at the AdWords ads that appear.

Why are the wrong AdSense being displayed ads?

Why are the wrong AdSense being displayed ads?

Sometimes, Google seems to get it wrong. You create a page and ads you've seen elsewhere and were expecting to see on your page just don't turn up. Instead, you see vaguely relevant or totally irrelevant ads.

Here are four possibilities:

1. Your page isn't perfectly optimized for the keywords. It's very important to get the key phrase in the file name, for example "product-xyz.html", in the title, in the heading, in the first paragraph, in the body, at the end, and put it in the meta tag description, too.

2. Advertisers can choose to advertise just on Google's search engine. They can opt out of advertising on the AdSense content network. Perhaps the advertisers you're interested in have opted out. To check, type a few phrases into Google and try to find some sites that are displaying Google ads and see which ads appear.

3. Advertisers can choose which countries will see their ads. If you're in Canada, for example, you may not see an ad that people in the U.S. will see. To find out where ads are being displayed, download the free Adsense Preview Tool.

4. This is very rare, but weird stuff can happen for no apparent reason. If all else fails, contact AdSense support. I've always found them prompt and helpful.

12 mistakes affiliates make - and how to fix them

12 mistakes affiliates make - and how to fix them

Affiliates struggling to earn $100 a month often find it hard to believe that other people could possibly earn as much as $10,000 or even $100,000 a month in commissions.

Believe it. Big commissions do happen. And you can expect to hear about even bigger commissions.

Forrester Research predicts that affiliate programs and affiliate networks will produce $280 billion annually in e-commerce sales by 2008.

In most programs, 5% of the affiliates generate the vast majority of the sales. If you're not in that 5% and want to be, you'll have to change what you're doing.

Here are 12 mistakes you could be making, and how to fix them.

1. Are you telling people how to make money on the Internet when you don't know how yourself?

Perhaps - just perhaps - you can succeed at this, but it's the most obvious trap into which new affiliates fall. You join a few affiliate programs and set up a site offering Internet marketing tips, work-from-home tips, instant-business tips, or be-your-own-boss tips.

The advantages of doing this include having great products to promote, high commissions and lots of help from Internet marketers.

However, if you do this, you face two massive challenges.

1. You'll have hundreds of thousands of web pages out there competing with yours.

2. You're competing with the planet's best marketing EXPERTS. Some of the brightest brains in Internet marketing are working full-time to grab the attention of your target audience.

I'm not saying you can't succeed in this field, but if you're new to affiliate programs, this is definitely NOT the best place to begin. If you're struggling, find a less well traveled path.

You don't have to abandon your existing website. Just launch a new one based on a new theme. Later, when you've learned more and really have something to offer, it will be time to revamp your marketing tips site

How AdSense matches ads to web pages

How AdSense matches ads to web pages

Google is doing a good job of finding ads that are highly relevant to the web pages.

Google says:

"We go beyond simple keyword matching to understand the context and content of web pages. Based on an algorithm that includes such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, we know what a page is about, and can precisely match Google ads to each page."

Occasionally Google gets it wrong. It places great importance on the file name. So be sure to use important keywords in the file name of each page, such as "contextual-advertising.html" for an article on contextual advertising.

Also, watch out for your anchor text - the words in the links on your page. We've found that sometimes if irrelevant ads are being served, you can fix the problem by rewriting anchor text.

You can check the relevance of the ads by looking at the text ads near the top-right of this page.

How much can you earn?

How much can you earn?

Let's say you have a goal of earning $100,000 a year from AdSense. Is that possible?

Let's see ... $100,000 274 pages which earn $1 a day
548 pages which earn 50 cents a divided by 365 = $274 a day. So your goal is to produce either:

1096 pages which earn 25 cents a day

The following are hypothetical cases. To earn $1 a day per page, you need, per page...

400 visitors, 5% click-through rate (CTR) and average 5c payout.
Or 200 visitors, 10% CTR and an average 5c payout.
Or 100 visitors, 10% CTR, and an average 10c payout.
Or 100 visitors, 5% CTR, and an average 20c payout.
Or 50 visitors, 10% CTR and 20c average payout.
Or 25 visitors, 20% CTR and 20c average payout.
Or 20 visitors, 10% CTR and 50c average payout.
Or 10 visitors, 20% CTR and 50c average payout.
Or 5 visitors, 20% CTR and $1 average payout.

Let's assume you choose a goal somewhere around the middle, say aiming for 50 visitors per page and want 274 pages earning $1 a day. You'd need 274 x 50 = 13,700 pageviews a day.

Does that sound too tough? If so, you'd better look for more profitable keywords and ways to improve your click-through rates.

Let's try a different scenario. You choose more profitable keywords and make your $1 on average per page from, say, 10 visitors. 274 x 10 = 2740 pageviews a day.

That's looking easier to achieve. If your average visitor sees 3 pages, you now need 913 unique visitors a day.

Is that too tough to achieve in your niche? If so, create two sites, each attracting half that number, 456 unique visitors, a day.

Can't achieve those click-through rates and payouts? Then you'll either need more pages on your sites on more niche sites.

Some affiliates have a goal of writing one article a day and building one site a month.

Need a little more help reaching that $100,000 goal? Add affiliate commissions into the equation. Add a newsletter for repeat sales.

Choose the goal which best matches your site or sites.

Then start building keyword-rich pages containing well researched, profitable keywords, and get lots of high quality links to your site.

Please note, because of the AdSense rules, these are all hypothetical cases. I'm not allowed to give real cases. Real CTR rates and payouts vary hugely.

It's fast

Google usually approves web sites in less than a day.

After your site is approved, within a few hours a special Google spider will spider your site. Then it's time to paste the code into your site and the text ads will appear.

You can choose between either horizontal or skyscraper AdSense ads.

Experiences with AdSense

Experiences with AdSense

The payment you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise using Google's AdWords service. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents per click and as high as $10 or $12 in profitable niches, perhaps even more sometimes. You earn a share of that.

So your payment rates can vary enormously.

The rules forbid me from revealing my stats. However, in the tests I'm doing on five sites, the results have been startling - far better than I expected. The results are much better than I receive from many affiliate programs.

In the past, I've talked to affiliates who were happy to receive $5 or $6 CPM (per 1,000 page views). My results from AdSense leave such affiliate revenues far behind.

I've increased my use of AdSense. It's a winner!

If my results are typical, it helps enormously if you build very simple, uncluttered pages so that the ads catch the visitor's eye more than anything else

How to Apply to Google's AdSense Program

How to Apply to Google's AdSense Program

Who is Eligible to Apply to Google's AdSense program?

Google AdSense is currently open to any English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Chinese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, or Turkish language websites, and add new languages are added all the time. You don't need to be based in the United States to participate.

Google AdSense offers payment to publishers in US dollar checks, and also offers local currency options for publishers in 43 countries.

Applying to the Google AdSense program is extremely easy and just takes a few minutes. Simply visit the Google AdSense home page.
Hearing Back From Google

Google says it will just take two or three days to receive your acceptance or rejection. Google often responds even more quickly.

Naturally, Google reserves the right to reject sites -- and they do. For example, they will reject sites on drugs, pornography, or gambling. They will also reject personal pages, sites with excessive advertising or other content-targeted or text-based ads, incentives of clicking on the keywords, profanity, or hate of any sort.

We recommend you read all of Google's Program Policies before you apply.

And if you haven't yet checked out our free Google AdSense Web Tool, we recommend you do so now -- before you apply. This tool allows you to peek at which Google AdWords may be displayed on your site. It also provides six suggestions for using the AdSense Web Tool to maximize your AdSense revenue.

Adsense injection

Adsense injection:

I was looking for a simple simple Wordpress plugin that just inserted Adsense code randomly into a pre-existing blog. All the ones I found would only replace an Adsense comment with Adsense code. That’s great if you want to go through every article you have and post little adsense tags, but for a site that has some bulk to it, it sucks.

It also increased banner blindness by keeping the ads in the same place time after time.

My new Adsense Injection plugin just takes a random paragraph (or br tag) break in your article and inserts adsense code. It does one per story on multi-post pages (home, archive, category) and let’s you pick how many to show on single post pages. It lets you pick how many total ads to show at any time as well (0-3) and it lets you set the formats and colors you want it to randomly select from.

I’m using it on this blog if that gives you an idea of how it works.

Version 2.0 Let’s you show YPN ads as well as Google, although I can’t test it because they wouldn’t give me an account in their precious beta launch. : (

If you want to keep ads from displaying on specific posts, use the tag in the post HTML somewhere. I do that on a few posts on this site. Go look for them. It’s like a treasure hunt where no one wins!

If you want to keep ads from displaying above a certain point in a post, use the tag in the post HTML where you want it to start.

Here’s an example of how to fill out the Adsense Injection Options page. Use your own adsense ID.

Checkboxes for
Do not show me my own ads
Put google_adtest= 0.

I guess you can screw up your stats by looking at your own ads. Lame.
You can now pick either YPN ads, Google Ads or randomize them.
adsensestart tag now exists for people with images and whatnot
You can ad multiple ads on single page posts to really cram ads down people’s throats. Yeehaw!


Added a center alignment option. I also made the plugin work for people who don’t use the wysiwyg editor. It splits the post on


Bit of a stupid paragraph tag ruining bug fixed today. If you were having problems before, this should fix it.


Put a new ad size in the code. Also, Danny from had the cool idea of putting a tag in a post or page that would prevent AdSense ads from being displayed. Now, if you put in a post or a page, no matter what the other settings are, no ads will be displayed in that post anywhere. Category pages, archives, the home page, there just won’t be any ads on it. Thanks Danny! Awesome idea!


New version doesn’t mess up paragraph tags if they have class attributes.


Apparently my site couldn’t take the stress of a global Wordpress Dashboard link. Dang. Thanks for the link! Hope it works now!


Apparently running AdSense in your feed is against their TOS. Apparently this plugin also displayed ads if you were running your feeds in full text. I don’t do that because then they just get scraped by spammer dicks. This new update removes Ads from your feed if you were running full text. It also gives you the new 200×200 block


I think a lot of people are really going to like this update.

I added a set of checkboxes in the admin panel that will let you opt out of displaying adsense ads on certain types of pages:

If you want to NOT display ads on your home page or on static pages, then just go click the corresponding box in your Options>Adsense panel. That oughta keep your grubby mitts out of my code!


I added the one huge banner, I think it’s 460, for everyone who likes running banners instead of little boxes that disrupt blogposts.

I also added an Admin only checkbox on the options page so you can preview your Adsense Injected blog for yourself without letting your users see. It actually previews your blog with Adsense for anyone with a user level above 8 — but if you know what that means you can probably change it on your own.

About Google Adsense

Welcome to the first website totally dedicated to helping you get the most out of Google's new AdSense program.

Google's AdSense is perhaps the fastest and easiest way to generate revenue from a website that contains great content.

Our names are Audri and Jim Lanford, and we're very excited about AdSense. In case we haven't yet met, you can click here.

Since it's a Google program, not surprisingly, it's not based on get-rich-quick or pie-in-the-sky ideas. Instead, it's a legitimate, well-conceived and executed program that will help many website owners achieve their goals.

Here you'll find everything you need to know about this new program to maximize your revenue and your AdSense results.

If you don't yet know anything about AdSense (or you'd like to know if it can benefit you), click here to discover the answer to the question: What is AdSense?

Or check out our free, special Google AdSense Web Tool. This tool allows you to peek at which Google AdWords may be displayed on your site. It also provides six suggestions for using the AdSense Web Tool to maximize your AdSense revenue.

Be sure to sign up for our free Mini-Course, 'Dollars and AdSense.' It's dedicated to helping you get the most out of Google's new AdSense program. We take you 'behind the scenes' and show you real-life examples of what's working and what isn't (and why), what pitfalls to avoid, specific tactics to improve your AdSense revenue, and much more.

Or you can click here for 10 easy tips to maximize revenue with AdSense.

Making Perfect Google AdSense

And be sure to check out our new edition of our ebook and audio, '10 Quick Steps to Making Perfect Google AdSense.'.

We've added a page to help you take advantage of Google's new Alternate Ads.

Finally, check out these Internet marketing recommended resources that will help you make the most of AdSense.

Don't miss out on perhaps the most exciting new source of revenue for small, medium or even large websites.